jueves, 19 de enero de 2012

my ideas

                                                          THE SOCIAL JUSTICE 

The social justice it´s a concept who appear in the mid of the century XIX who want it´s found a equality between two groups unequial by of the creation of laws of protection pro the more poors and weaks but ¿who know exactly when and where it´s happening that equality?

In many countries of the world this concept not seem to exist because many leaders promise a equality in their goverments but the truth is that many of their leaders dont not even move a thumb for their poor people, who have hope in that "leaders", but that words it´s just words not acts for the weak people, for search that justice as the ILO (International Labor Organization) who search  that equality to try make this world better everyday for everyone.

This concept fight against the discrimination who make separate two groups of differents caracteristics, but this is cruel metod and competely indifferent with the people, just for have certain diferences, and the social justice who want is eliminate this injustice metod against the people, but there people who get up against this concpet and want justice for everyone, like Martin Luther King.jr or Nelson Mandela who showed serius determination for end this discrimination and make that the people have a better live.

In my opinion there more couses of this social injustice, the first of these is that tha man has forgotten of god and has lost the fear to the owner of the life, the second cause is for the proud  of the man than has been believed, for the color skin,for thier creed or religion , for the country who was born, for the language, for the politic opinion or philosopical, for the sex , for their social condition, physic, or mental 

In Colombia ,the social iguality is devoted in the articule 13 of the Constitución Nacional  and  provides that all we are iguals before the law, we have the same rights and opportiunitys and state must guarantee this iguality and must protect the more weaks. it can`t exists any type of discrimination.

In my opinion, the social justice we do everyone the follow way:

 - recoring the respect and the love to God
 - recpect the rights of the humans and giving a wothy trate
 - protecting the persons more poor and weak of this planet.
 - Chossing our best leaders.
 - Trying make the change by a best society, but together because alone we can´t do anything      to found that equality who means the social justice.